By Laws of Florida SouthWestern State College Faculty
Federation Constitution
Article I-Dues Deductions
Section 1. The regular annual dues of the Federation shall be a sum equal to 1% of the member’s annual contracted salary.
Section 2. The dues year shall run concurrently with each member’s contract (Fall, Spring)
Section 3
. Dues shall be paid through payroll deduction. In special cases, the Executive Council may grant a waiver and allow a member to pay dues in quarterly, semi-annual, or annual installments.
Article II-Meetings
Section 1. This Federation shall meet at least once each month during the Fall,and Spring terms.
Section 2. Only members in good standing may attend Federation meetings and vote. Special guests may attend meetings, but will not be permitted to vote.
Section 3. The Federation may hold special meetings and invite non-members.
Section 4. Thirty (30) percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
Article III-Amendments
The By-laws may be amended by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting providing notice of the contemplated change has been announced at a previous membership meeting and again in a written notice of the meeting distributed to all members.
Article I-Dues Deductions
Section 1. The regular annual dues of the Federation shall be a sum equal to 1% of the member’s annual contracted salary.
Section 2. The dues year shall run concurrently with each member’s contract (Fall, Spring)
Section 3
. Dues shall be paid through payroll deduction. In special cases, the Executive Council may grant a waiver and allow a member to pay dues in quarterly, semi-annual, or annual installments.
Article II-Meetings
Section 1. This Federation shall meet at least once each month during the Fall,and Spring terms.
Section 2. Only members in good standing may attend Federation meetings and vote. Special guests may attend meetings, but will not be permitted to vote.
Section 3. The Federation may hold special meetings and invite non-members.
Section 4. Thirty (30) percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
Article III-Amendments
The By-laws may be amended by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting providing notice of the contemplated change has been announced at a previous membership meeting and again in a written notice of the meeting distributed to all members.